Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Most Important People, The Most Important Place

1. What can you do to make every family member who walks into your home believe that his or her arrival is the best moment of your day?

  • Could it be from words of affection or encouragement, a hug, a big smile, or just giving them your attention.

2. The basics of a Christian Home are simple enought -respect Dad, love mom, and nurture kids, but you have probably found that they aren't always easy to implement.

  • Mom, what keeps you from respecting Dad - and what are you going to do about it?

  • Dad, what keeps you from nourishing and cherishing your wife? What changes could your answer prompt you to make?

  • Parents, what keeps you from nurturing your kids - from loving, disciplining, affirming, correctine, and providing tenderness? Remember that when it comes to attitudes, conduct, or instruction of every kind, you go first. Also, your goal as a parent isn't perfection; it's transparency.

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