Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Most Important People, The Most Important Place

1. What can you do to make every family member who walks into your home believe that his or her arrival is the best moment of your day?

  • Could it be from words of affection or encouragement, a hug, a big smile, or just giving them your attention.

2. The basics of a Christian Home are simple enought -respect Dad, love mom, and nurture kids, but you have probably found that they aren't always easy to implement.

  • Mom, what keeps you from respecting Dad - and what are you going to do about it?

  • Dad, what keeps you from nourishing and cherishing your wife? What changes could your answer prompt you to make?

  • Parents, what keeps you from nurturing your kids - from loving, disciplining, affirming, correctine, and providing tenderness? Remember that when it comes to attitudes, conduct, or instruction of every kind, you go first. Also, your goal as a parent isn't perfection; it's transparency.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Chapter 2 - Part 2

A God Place
You can make God more a part of your family life - more present in your home - when:
  1. You got to church. "Assembling together" is God's idea, and it's essential to Christian health and growth for individuals and families (Hebrews 10:25).
  2. Every family member has a Bible. Why would anyone be without his or her own flashlight in this dark world of ours?
  3. Family members read the Bible and memorize Scripture. The Bible alone provides the only antidote for the greatest problem our children will ever face - the poison of sin (Psalm 119:11)
  4. Your home is bilingual, and one of the two languages is God talk. Such statements as "Isn't God amazing!"; "Thank Your for this food"; "The Lord willing"; and "What did God say to you today?" are part of everyday conversation.
  5. You have family devotions (study a book of the Bible, memorize Scripture, learn all the verses of a classic hymn) - and never let on that these family devotions are anything but great fun!
  6. You pray together@ After all, prayer is the glue that affixes your heart to your heavenly Father. So...pray at bedtime. Choose some prayer roads (see page 40). Identify some prayer hooks (page 42). Colossians 1:9-12 is a good starting point for paying for your kids.