One of the Chief things parents do to build character in thier children is to establish and enforce the boundaries within which children must live. Kids need a consistent picture of what is right and what is wrong. But there's a limit to the number of rules children can remember and you can enforce. Pick your battles. You need a handful of rules that reflect your highest values, the main characther issues you want your children to internalize by the time they're adults.
1. Do you have a set of rules tha tyou consistently instill and reinforce in your home? If so what are they?
2. Here are the top dozen rules Revolutionary Prents told us they focused on. How do these differ from yours?
a. Tell the Truth
b. Never cheat or steal
c. Make sure at least one parent knows where you are at all times. Get parental approval
before going from one place to another.
d. Show respect for others, now matter how you feel about them.
e. Help and serve others.
f. Control your tongue.
g. Do not judge other people's motives. Judge their behavior only insofar as it personally affects you or your family members.
i. Take good care of your body.
j. Actively pursue your faith.
k. Do your best at school.
l. Do your household chores.
m. Accept punishment as an appropriate response to breaking the rules.
Challenge: Sit down with your children and your newly formed set of rules and discuss them with yourkids. Ask them what they think. Did some seem like a new idea? Ask them which ones they think will be the hardest to keep.
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