Children's Ministry magazine is a wealth of information - not just for children's ministers. In the July/August 2010 issue there is an article entitled "Keeping Current" In that article several of our ch
ildren's favorite celebs are listed as well as the "scoop" on just how "kid friendly" they are.

1. Jasmine V
Sony Epic's newest recording artist. Her music has an R&B and pop beat. Song you may know: "Serious"
Parent's Take:
Jasmine's music highlights typical teen girl topics such as love, the gutute, and friendships. She has been homeschooled since the 3rd grade, she has a strong work ethic and is very ambitious. She enjoys giving back to her community too!
2. Sterling Knight

Star of "Sonny with a Chance" on the Disney Channel. Sterling has broken out on the music scene with apop rock beat. Song you may know "Starstruck"
Parent's Take:
Sterling Knight is popular with older kids, the lyrics to his songs are mild and appropriate for a young aud

3. Miranda Cosgrove
Star of "ICarly" on Nickelodeon.
Miranda has just released her first full CD "Sparks Fly" with the single "Kissin U"
Parent's Take:
Her lyrics are free of offensive language or themes. Her music is appropriate for young listeners and at this point serves as a positive role model.
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