Chapter 1: A Crisis in American Parenting
Chapter 1 starts out listing qualities by which parents measure the success of their parenting. Things such as, meeting their physical needs, the children have decent friends, they aren't alcoholics, not the victim of abuse, they don't have a criminal record. Barna says while all these are good criteria, is this the scale God would use to measure your parenting successes? " God measures our hearts...most of our children are biblically illiterate, few are motivated to share their faith, not even half state that their religious faith is important, salvation baffles most of our young ones." (p.8 - Revolutionary Parenting).
With this in mind:
1. Ask yourself - "Where do I get my standards for measuring how well I am doing as a parent?
What role do you think God and the Bible should have in setting those standards?
2. Do you know anything about the guidance the Bible gives to parents about children and families? If so what are some relevant principles or stories that come to mind.
Take some time to think and pray about your children. Then describe the kind of human beings you want them to become by the time they are 30 years old. If your thoughts run to matters like career, income, or marital status, write that down. If you have in mind character qualities like, passion for God, Honesty, or Concern for Justice, write those down. If you have different hopes for different children, it's fine to distinguish among them.
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