Monday, August 30, 2010

Chapter 3: Biblical Priorities

Revolutionary Parent's first priority is God. Their second priority is their children. Why? Serving God by loving our neighbors or, put another way, doing the work of God's kingdom is the second part of the Great Commandment. And our children are the neighbors God has entrusted to us in a unique way. Our neighbors across town and across the globe are important, but our children are our primary mission field. Teaching them to know, love, and serve God is our greatest act of service to Him.

(pg 54-Revolutionary Parenting Workbook:Leader's Edition)

Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, The fruit of the womb is a reward. (Psalm 127:3)

Do you see your children as a gift, a reward? How do you see them?

How would (or how does) seeing them as a gift affect the way you interact with them?

Read Deuteronomy 6:1-12, 20-21

In this passage, Moses gave God's instructions for parents.

1. Describe how God wants the actions of parents to affect their children and grandchildren.

2. How does God want parents to go about training their children to obey His words?

3. What principles here are relevant to us today?

If your child were to ask you, "Why do we live according to the Bible instead of the way non-Christians around us live?" what would you say?

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