We've all heard the song, "Mary Did You Know" but do we really stop and think about that. Did Mary really know. That night when the angel spoke to her and told her she would be the vessel for the Christ, the Savior of the World, did she know? When she went to see Elizabeth and the baby in Elizabeth's womb leaped for joy (Luke 1:44). Did she know?
I think the real question is, does it matter? Whether she knew the enormity or not she obeyed. She was open the plan God had for her. I was over at http://www.incourage.me/ reading the other day and found this blog http://www.incourage.me/2010/12/why-a-true-christmas-might-be-painful.html. It is titled "Why a true Christmas Might Be Painful. " Please take the time to read it if you can. She writes about what it really means to be a womb for Christ.
May we all be open to becoming a vessel for Christ this Chritmas.