Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chapter 7: Fostering Faith

According to Barna, "Instilling character will build a good adult, but not necessarily an adult who loves God. So in addition, we need to instill values and beliefs that will lead children to a deep and lifelong faith in God." (pg 93 Revolutionary Parenting Workbook).

Below are the values and beliefs that Barna discusses:
  • The Bible is THE source

What role does the Bible play in your life? Describe how often you read it and why.

  • Absolute Moral Truth Exists

If you were going to have a coversation with your children about what truth is and where we can go to find it, what might you say?

  • The Church is our support system

What help is your church able to offer in reinforcing faith lessons you want your children to learn?

  • Servanthood should be a lifestyle

What obstacles do you face in making service at least a monthly habit for yourself and your children?

  • Prayer is essential

When can you pray with your children? Make a list of opportunities you have.

  • Love is the Centerpiece

What can you do this week to let your children know you love them?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chapter 6 "Behaving like a Parent"

Many parents are embarrassed tobe The Parent. It's so authoritarian! But great parents embrace the role without apology. Parenting is not a democracy! Great parents say they are in charge and Act like it! Great parents learn to control their tempers.

*Because our words have power to damage, we have to develop the discipline to control them. Not investing the effort to do this isn't an option. It's an evasion to blame our children when we lose our tembers - if we lack self-discipline, how can we expect it from a child? - Barna Revolutionary Parenting Workbook.


1. How often do you find yourself angry at your children?

2. What do you typically do when you are angry at them?

3. What is one thing you could do to grow in controlling your temper?

4. Do you typically have a reason for your decisions that you could explain? Or do you tend to repond to your children by instinct? Describe what you do and why?

5. What is one step you could take to manage your time better to have more time for your children?

6. What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to listening to your children?

Weekly Challenge:

Make a plan to spend time withe ach of your children to deepen your relationship. When will you take tie with each one? What will you do together?